semantic error

美 [sɪˈmæntɪk ˈerər]英 [sɪˈmæntɪk ˈerə(r)]
  • 网络语义错误;逻辑错误
semantic errorsemantic error


an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
Synonym: run-time error runtime error


  1. This is a static semantic error .


  2. On top of that , we introduced the new Codan static analysis framework as optional component to provide semantic error reports ahead of compile time .


  3. Enable semantic error checking to ensure that there are no semantic errors in the model .


  4. If a variable is used before it is initialized , a semantic error is generated , the variable is created with a value of zero , and a message is printed .


  5. B is established on Zermelo-Frankel set theory . It expresses states transferring by signal method . So both program and its specification are on uniform framework , which can reduce the possibility of semantic error .


  6. After discussing the data cleansing model in ETL , and to solve the known or unknown error and semantic error , this paper proposes a data cleansing strategy of combination of automatic and manual methods that has a better realism significance .


  7. Firstly , by analyzing the characteristics of source code and object code , the architecture of compiling and interpreting system , which includes morphology / syntax analysis , semantic analysis , error handling , symbol table manager and object code generation , was presented .


  8. Traditional error control technologies consider videos as long bit streams , ignoring the underlying semantic information and perform error control in a way as signal processing .
